Monthly Traffic in Website Hosting
The monthly traffic quota for all our website hosting packages is sufficient for every site. If you have a blog, a discussion board or eCommerce portal, how much information will be transferred to and from your account or getting to some small allowance limit won't be an explanation for your web sites to be inaccessible. We also offer you comprehensive website traffic stats, so you'll be allowed to check how much information is being downloaded at any time. The hourly, daily and monthly numbers will inform you on how the sites perform, what kind of files produce the most traffic and a lot more important info which can help you take care of your sites and the account as a whole. The statistics can be accessed with just a few mouse-clicks in the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All our semi-dedicated server plans can host multiple resource-hungry websites because they feature a lot of computing power. Such web sites constantly produce a lot of site traffic and for this reason we have decided not to restrict this feature. Using a semi-dedicated server, you'll be able to have as many website visitors as you are able to get without having to worry that you may hit some limit for the website traffic they will generate. For your convenience, you will be able to keep track of what is going on in the account since we will give you hourly, daily and monthly stats for the traffic your sites produce. Thus, you will be informed on the way they operate at any time. You will even be able to see which webpage or file has generated the most traffic for each website hosted in your semi-dedicated server account.
Monthly Traffic in VPS Hosting
The monthly traffic allowance for our Linux VPS hosting services is proportionate to the rest of the server’s resources. When you get a more powerful server, it's more likely that you will operate a very popular website or even a variety of sites, consequently there will be much more website visitors. For this reason, the higher plan you order, the higher monthly website traffic allowance you will get. We'll notify you if you reach 90% of the amount, so that you will have sufficient time to take some action and either update the plan or optimize your websites and lower the website traffic that they generate until the counter resets the next month. If you choose to update, you can do so via your billing Control Panel and with no more than a few mouse-clicks. You'll also be able to monitor how much traffic your server has already generated and how much is left before you get to your monthly limit. This info is can be found in the VPS control panel where you can also reboot your server and view the use of all the other system resources for instance hard disk storage, CPU load and physical memory usage.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Web Hosting
The dedicated web hosting that we offer you feature large traffic allowances which are sufficient for any type of website, even a video streaming portal or a popular social network. Terabytes of site traffic will be at your disposal every month and the control panel that is featured with each dedicated server will give you data how much data has been transferred already and what amount is available for the present month. In order to avoid service disruptions, we will let you know if you reach 90% of the allowance and you are able to either lower the site traffic generated by your sites by optimizing their content material, or you can increase the quota for your account. It's very unlikely that you'll ever need such an upgrade, but we decided to leave this alternative open. The statistics in that panel feature the entire traffic, compared to the statistics from your hosting Control Panel where you can view only the traffic from web sites, but not from server-side software downloads and / or updates.